Welcome, I’m Sandrine
Let me be your guide on your Tantra Path.
Who I Am
Bonjour, I'm Sandrine Bettinelli, your quirky yet deeply insightful Tantra teacher and guide.
I'm the co-founder of London Tantra and the Corfu Tantra Festival.
With a 20-year career as a high-tech executive and a decade of Tantra practice, I'm uniquely positioned to guide you on your spiritual and sexual journey.

With you on your path
My Mission
"The more I practiced Tantra methods alone or in love union, the more I felt compelled to share these divine experiences with people everywhere in the world."
Ma Ananda Sarita
My mission is to walk with you on your Tantra Path. I want to help you feel what this journey is like from the inside out, and hold your hand at every step.
I'm not just here to guide you through the basics; I'm here to change your entire worldview. You were given a map to a rubbish tip, but I'll show you the enchanted forest.
I'm here to guide you into a mystical initiation to reclaim not only your body but also your soul, your sexuality, and your spirituality. Everything that is essential to who you are, but that you were told you couldn't have.
Let me show you how Tantra will change your life.

The Nerd and the Priestess
Yes, I'm a nerd. I love science, I love maths, the more abstract the better.
Science has been a salvation for me. A place where I didn't feel too weird. A place where I could beat men fair and square, too ;)
And I'm fascinated with the sacred feminine. Goddesses, statues, priestesses. Women's circles, red tents, witches, druidesses. The love, but also the dark, the very dark. It's magic.
So indeed, the nerd and the priestess. Which is bloody perfect for Tantra if you ask me ;-)
And which is very much my approach to it: the sacred and magical, and the latest research in neuroscience.
I'm a citizen of the world, but a Parisian at heart.
I love art and beauty in all its forms. I love ideas and history. I love words for passionate debates just as much as for poetry. I'm curious beyond any rationale and have an unhealthy thirst for learning.
Being a Parisian feeds my soul. It's not for shining on social occasions. It's just for me. For my secret garden.
I'm an introvert by nature, which might surprise you considering my line of work. But it's my raw sensitivity that allows me to connect deeply with myself and, by extension, with you.

My Tantra Path
“I could hardly leave my bed. All I felt was a dense numbness and an excruciating, inexplicable pain.”
I had a very happy childhood in France, playing the piano, dancing around and, above all, loving horses. I became an engineer, embraced a wonderful career, and fully realised my sophisticated Parisian self.
Ten years ago, things got even better. Everything I ever wished for landed on my lap.
The dream man, the diamond ring, the Paris wedding, the New York baby, the prestigious MBA, the exec job, even the Upper West Side flat and the Chagalls on the wall.
Yet I could hardly leave my bed. All I felt was a dense numbness and an excruciating, inexplicable pain.
So I sat in meditation, asking for my purpose in this life to reveal itself. And every time I heard: "Teach Tantra."
I dismissed it at first. Cosmic orgasms were not quite in my landscape by then.
But the call grew stronger, as it always does, and Tantra found its way into my life. I started to avidly study the Sacred Feminine.
While I was hunting traces of the Goddess in every church, legend, and museum around the globe, I started a mystical journey in which I met sisterhood in the Red Tents and beyond, and the Divine Feminine in my body and spirit.
The quest naturally extended to the Sacred Masculine and the Divine Union and developed during several years of very deep practice.
I was then ready to become a Tantra teacher myself and embarked on an extremely intensive apprenticeship with Ma Ananda Sarita. To this day, I'm very honoured to have received her superb transmission and am strongly committed to sharing it with people in the world.
Finally, I trained with Layla Martin to deepen my practice of sacred sexuality, binge on neuroscience, and elevate my coaching practice stratospherically.
The magnificent, non-dual, accepting, mysterious path of Tantra speaks to my soul.
Tantra as a counter-culture, as an underground rebellion against patriarchy and domination, speaks both to my mind and my heart. It's a perfect fit.
Tantra has changed my life in every way you can imagine and more. Yet all along, the one prevailing thought in my mind has been a revolted "why has no one told me this before?".
So here I am. To tell you now.